About This Game Only the foolhardy would risk an encounter with the unknown perils that lurk in the murky depths of Darkwood Forest. Yet there is no alternative, for your quest is a desperate race against time to find the missing pieces of the legendary Hammer of Stonebridge – fashioned by Dwarfs to protect the villagers of Stonebridge against their ancient doom.Computer gaming was in its infancy and it was the early days of tabletop RPGs when Ian Livingstone's The Forest of Doom exploded into bookshops in the early 80s, proudly displaying Iain McCaig’s iconic cover.Relive the adventures in Darkwood Forest, lovingly updated for PC, Mac and Linux. Presented in full colour with realistic physics-based dice rolling for battles, auto-mapping, an auto-updated adventure sheet and stat keeping.This Standalone edition of The Forest of Doom gamebook comes specially themed to suit the adventure. The Forest of Doom is also available to purchase within the Fighting Fantasy Classics library. Please note that purchasing one does not unlock the other and will need to be re-purchased if desired in the other format. 7aa9394dea Title: The Forest of Doom (Standalone)Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Tin Man GamesPublisher:Tin Man GamesFranchise:Fighting FantasyRelease Date: 30 Oct, 2014 The Forest Of Doom (Standalone) Free Download A good on-screen production of one of the iconic Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.This game is set in the FF continent of Allansia and you must travel to the dangerous Darkwood Forest to find both pieces of a fabled hammer, then return it to the dwarves in Stonebridge.Ian Livingstone's original book has really been brought to life here. The game is exactly as it woz (all those years ago!) and not only are the original b&w artworks here, but full colour versions as well. The nostalgic feel of the game is spot-on.There are options for background music and sound effects, as well as a great series of 31 achievements ranging from difficult to amusing. There are also Steam trading cards for this game.Unlike many FF games this one has an interesting mechanism which helps if you have missed items simply by taking the wrong route and are unable to complete the quest. At the end of the forest you are able to return to the start, with some (but not all) things retained, to try a new route.This game is not particularly combat heavy, but does require specific path choices to find certain info and items required to succeed.TinManGames have produced five of the original FF games as standalone titles (more about them elsewhere) and this is a very nice adaption.. A good on-screen production of one of the iconic Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.This game is set in the FF continent of Allansia and you must travel to the dangerous Darkwood Forest to find both pieces of a fabled hammer, then return it to the dwarves in Stonebridge.Ian Livingstone's original book has really been brought to life here. The game is exactly as it woz (all those years ago!) and not only are the original b&w artworks here, but full colour versions as well. The nostalgic feel of the game is spot-on.There are options for background music and sound effects, as well as a great series of 31 achievements ranging from difficult to amusing. There are also Steam trading cards for this game.Unlike many FF games this one has an interesting mechanism which helps if you have missed items simply by taking the wrong route and are unable to complete the quest. At the end of the forest you are able to return to the start, with some (but not all) things retained, to try a new route.This game is not particularly combat heavy, but does require specific path choices to find certain info and items required to succeed.TinManGames have produced five of the original FF games as standalone titles (more about them elsewhere) and this is a very nice adaption.. First up I am very pleased to see these books getting re-released as computer games, and a reasonable price too!There are some technical issues at the moment (dice rolling off the screen, dice falling 'into the distance', potions vanishing), but generally a solid implementation.Regarding The Forest Of Doom specifically though, I just didn't find it a good Fighting Fantasy book personally; you have to hit no less than 4 specific locations getting through the forest in order to actually complete the game - and you cannot go backwards, so if you choose any of the 3-4 other parallel routes for any key location then your game is a bust.This wouldn't be so bad if other routes were deathtraps or other endings, but the book\/game is fully fleshed out with other encounters so it feels like you are actually making headway... only till you reach the end and it summarily declares you failed and get an arrow in the head.I just don't like this model of Fighting Fantasy personally, and much prefer the books were you are heading towards an actual finale and the challenge is in getting there & getting there in a fit state for the last challenge.. Although I recommend this game for its fun and unique storytelling, I must include a word of warning.This game is short. Although you'll undoubtably have to play it through four or five times before you see everything, it's still a very short game with little content. The creatures are stereotypical of this genre, but you must remember this is based on an old novel from the days of D&D. We didn't have the crazy monsters which we have now.I'm not sure if the game is worth the money I paid, even if that amount was lower due to a Steam sale. I expected this game to be as long as a Tolkien novel with thousands of different paths and events. This is more like a single chapter.In the end, I do recommend it for a quick play through, but wish I had referenced the game before purchasing. At least to the game's credit it offers a free-roaming option so that I may re-read every possible option without fighting.. As an avid Fighting Fantasy and Gamebook collector, I was very pleased to see that this was available on Steam and purchased it during the Halloween Sale. Playing the game was both a nostalgic delight and a fun, exciting interactive experience slightly reminiscent of playing "Citadel of Chaos" on the C64 many years ago. TinMan Games have done a fantastic job of reproducing Ian Livingstone's classic extremely faithfully; I was able to find my old maps and utilise them to complete the game in around an hour. Combat rolls are represented with actual dice; white for the player and red for the monsters, enabling a quickly understood and resolved outcome. The musical track is suitably atmospheric and doesn't outlive its welcome. I very much like the inclusion of a "Hardcore mode" for experienced players where no provisions are allowed and initial player statistic rolls are lessened. (You get only 1d6+4 for your skill stat for example...) this added a dimension of challenge to a familiar story. However, amusingly I ran into a bug at the encounter with "Quin the Arm-Wrestler" and found myself with 68 stamina going into the next encounters, which trivialised reaching the conclusion of the book. It was a pleasure to support the developers and I look forward to seeing more of their work. Recommended to Gamebook, Fighting Fantasy fans and those looking for an interactive reading and single player role-playing experience.. Couldn't throw my money at this product quickly enough. This series of books defined recreation during my childhood 30+ years ago. I have no idea whether or not this product would be appealing to someone who lacks the nostalgic bliss that I have regarding this series, as it is basically a CYOA book with some 'lite roleplaying' concepts borrowed form tabletop gaming. Dice, stats, equipment tracking...all of these things are faithfully recreated here along with the original artwork. But for people in a certain age bracket or for younger gamers who want a taste of how we amused ourselves before the advent of the internet and couldn't get a DnD group together...this is a perfect taste of the FF gamebooks of yore.. There is very little text in between too many uninteresting fights. The French translation is rather poor. The gameplay during fights is driven by too much pointless randomness. The music is extremely repetitive. There are better gamebooks by Tin Man Games, e.g. \u00ab An Assassin in Orlandes \u00bb.. Couldn't throw my money at this product quickly enough. This series of books defined recreation during my childhood 30+ years ago. I have no idea whether or not this product would be appealing to someone who lacks the nostalgic bliss that I have regarding this series, as it is basically a CYOA book with some 'lite roleplaying' concepts borrowed form tabletop gaming. Dice, stats, equipment tracking...all of these things are faithfully recreated here along with the original artwork. But for people in a certain age bracket or for younger gamers who want a taste of how we amused ourselves before the advent of the internet and couldn't get a DnD group together...this is a perfect taste of the FF gamebooks of yore.. If Fighting Fantasy was such an amazing series, perhaps minds will be blown when these fans read Joe Dever's works - most of his Lone Wolf CYOA books are available for free online (legit) with his permission, so there's no reason to be wasting money on what is a rather bland story and CYOA game here.If you are a hardcore Fighting Fantasy fan, or just kupo for the CYOA genre in general, then yeah there's fun to be found here, but this a book that can be read in 10-15 minutes flat and really shows its age for the type of game it is. Pick it up on sale if you must, but don't expect award-winning writing here.. And I'm 12 again, on an autumn afternoon, drinking root beer and having fun in an Ian LIvingstone story and - it's wonderful. Trust no one and let the dice fall where they may!5\/5. 1,786 wishlists. 21 days until release. 44.65% toward goal.: Faerie Solitaire Harvest is almost here for everyone! Wishlist!https://store.steampowered.com/app/348910/Faerie_Solitaire_Harvest/Though we won't reach 100% toward goal without a miracle we are still super grateful for your support! Thank you! Next game we publish on Steam we'll have the coming soon page live for longer so hopefully we can reach our goal next time!. New Faerie Solitaire Harvest Trailer: New trailer for FSH just uploaded! 49 days until release!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA8KkfpO_d4We're trying to reach our wishlist goal before release so please wishlist the game and share its store page with others to help us out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/348910/Faerie_Solitaire_Harvest/. Faerie Solitaire Cards Repaint: First repaint of the cards is done (I've been wanting to do this for over a year+): http://i.imgur.com/KpO3I.pngNote: The sizes of the art on the top are the full sizes, but they will be scaled down a bit to the bottom sizes so that they fit better on the cards. This art is not final. If you see anything which bugs you please let me know so I can fix it. I see a bunch of stuff which I want to improve on, but overall I'm pleased with the improvements.New full size is 750x1070 vs the old full size of 75x107. These cards are 75x107. The new full sized cards will make it possible to display the cards in game at larger sizes without losing detail. Also, I made sure to paint them at a large enough size to allow me to get some real decks of cards printed! :D As soon as I get the cards perfect I'll make it possible to buy real decks of FS cards for a limited of time.. 482 wishlists. 42 days until release. 12.05% toward goal.: Have you wishlisted our new game yet? Help us reach our wishlist goal of 4,000 before release! https://store.steampowered.com/app/348910/Faerie_Solitaire_Harvest/. Reminder! Faerie Solitaire Remastered for original owners!: Our stats show that many of the owners of Faerie Solitaire have not tried Faerie Solitaire Remastered yet. If you own FS then FSR should be in your account. Please check it out! http://store.steampowered.com/app/583930/Faerie_Solitaire_Remastered/. NEW: Wishlist Faerie Solitaire Harvest!: This year we will be publishing many new games, and the first new one being released by us is Faerie Solitaire Harvest! This kind of solitaire is a less commonly seen one, and we wanted our version to be the very best version of it in the world.The release date for FSH is official and will be this Easter! That's 53 days from now as of this post.https://store.steampowered.com/app/348910/Faerie_Solitaire_Harvest/Please wishlist, and share with your solitaire / card game loving friends! Steam seems to care about wishlists on launch of games and anything over 10k wishlists seems to be included in recommended lists so every wishlist counts. Your wishlist matters!If you wishlist you'll be notified the moment it is released, and any time it's on sale if you want to wait for a deal.FSH is only the first new game being fully released this year. There will be more too, many long in development! P.S. If you're owed a Steam key for this you will be able to get one from us once it releases. Please wishlist anyway!. Faerie Solitaire Dire: We've been working on a new game called Faerie Solitaire Dire which is focused on the new mechanics found in the Challenge mode of Faerie Solitaire Remastered. The goal of Dire is to make a solitaire game which is not easy... instead Dire is very challenging and has a darker yet still magical theme!If you buy the current version of Faerie Solitaire Dire from us you will get access to DRM free installers as well as get a Steam key once Dire is released on Steam. We'll be releasing at least a few more big direct updates for Dire before publishing on Steam.https://subsoap.itch.io/faerie-solitaire-direThis year will be full of new game releases from us. If you want to get direct updates join our free newsletter:http://www.subsoap.com/newsletter/. Help us tag FSH!: Please go to the store page for Faerie Solitaire Harvest and press the + button next to the tags. On the left side, click all tags you think are correct to confirm them. On the bottom right, enter/add any tags you think are appropriate but missing from the list.Tags are incredibly important for discovery on Steam so if you want to help us out this is a small thing you can do that can have a big impact! And don't forget to wishlist if you have not yet! https://store.steampowered.com/app/348910/Faerie_Solitaire_Harvest/. Faerie Solitaire Remastered - New Pets Preview 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/faerie-solitaire-16708695(Patron supporter exclusive for 12 days then will be public for everyone. Become a Patron at any amount to get instant access as we publish new previews!). Faerie Solitaire Remastered is released!: Merry Christmas!http://store.steampowered.com/app/583930/Faerie_Solitaire_Remastered/Note that if you're a FS owner you don't need to buy FSR again. We're waiting on Steam to setup the packages properly so that all FS owners get FSR. This should happen Soon™Steam achievements are coming as well as cloud saves. We'll add trading cards too as soon as FSR reaches Valve's new minimum purchases. Mac and Linux builds are coming soon as well.
The Forest Of Doom (Standalone) Free Download
Updated: Mar 18, 2020